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Cancelled: Christmas Swim

  • Lili Centre 40A Alpenquai Luzern, LU, 6005 Switzerland (Karte)

This event has been cancelled due to the current Covid-regulations. We hope to be able to host it again next year. Thank you for your understanding.

Join us for a refreshing Christmas swim before heading off to celebrate Christmas eve!

You can either come to the LiLi Centre ahead of the swim or meet us directly at the lake. Friends and family are also welcome as swimmers or as spectators. :-)
After the swim, you can warm up at the LiLi centre with a cup of tea. As our chef will be on Christmas leave, we won’t serve lunch but you are welcome to bring your own lunch or some snacks for us to share.

What to bring:

  • Winter swimming equipment as listed on weekly swims

  • Optional: Lunch or snack to share

Please register at contact.

Course Fee: Free of charge / Donation for Lotus Children in Egypt

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