Support us

You think our offers are great and would like to support us? No problem! Here you will find various ways in which you can make a valuable contribution to our organisation.

Let’s work together

Support in different areas such as web design, fundraising, accounting, event organisation, etc. is always very welcome. If you would like to contribute your skills and talents, please get in touch via the contact form. Another very welcome opportunity to join us is to accompany swimming meet-ups as host of your own winter swimming group or as an assistant host for one of our existing groups. You can find more information here.

Financial contribution

The majority of our activities are voluntary work and take place as a service to the community. However, there are ongoing costs in the background, such as operating and updating this website, training costs and training materials for our winter swimming hosts etc. For this reason, we are grateful for every donation, no matter how small or large, in line with the motto ‘every drop counts’. Donations can currently be made either by bank transfer to our club account or via Twint. We will issue a donation receipt for donations of 100 Fr. or more.

Bank transfer:

Verein The WinterSwimmers
Reusssteg 10, 6003 Luzern
CH39 8080 8005 4473 6294 1
IID (BC-Nr.): 80808